We rely on the generosity of people like you to create lasting change for the people living in the driest, poorest parts of the world. Your support allows us to give communities the kick-start they need to break free from a life of drought and poverty. With larger donations, we have the ability to be more responsive and reach the thousands of people who need our help much sooner, before it’s too late. 

How you can help

Water is essential to life yet 40% of the world’s population is without access to a clean supply. That’s why we’re working relentlessly to ensure that the people living in drylands not only have access to clean water, but become self-sufficient through water and soil conservation, as well as the use of farming and cultivation techniques. Without support from people like you, communities will forever be trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty where children miss out on an education due to the time spent out of class fetching water, families lack a sustainable source of food to eat and generate an income.

Your significant donation can empower thousands of people to live a life free of poverty. Will you help us to reach more communities by giving a generous donation today?

£7,525 is enough to provide a community with all of the materials they need to build a sand dam

£4,500 is enough to provide a community with all of the cement they need to build a large sand dam

£1,700 could provide a community with a water pump and shallow well to safely extract drinking water from the sand dam

£540 could equip a community with access to all of the tools and seeds they need to start a tree nursery

There are many more ways you can help towards our goal of providing 10,000 sand dams for 5 million people by 2025. We understand that your giving is important to you and we want you to do it in the way that suits you. If you would to find out about more ways you can support communities through soil conservation programmes, joining an expedition or even funding an entire sand dam, please contact our Chief Operating Officer, [email protected], and find out how we can make the best of your generous contributions.

With the help from people like you, we have already made a lasting change

Sand Dams Worldwide and the communities we work with have enabled the building of over 1,000 sand dams across 10 different countries. This amounts to over 1 million people who now have access to water closer to home, all year round. The lasting benefit of this work has meant that communities are now able to plant their own vegetables, fruit and crops - allowing them to provide a sustainable source of food and avenue for income generation. The difference has been truly transformational.

Please donate today and help reach 1 billion people by 2050

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Watch the highlights from our 2022 sand dam expedition